Monday, July 9, 2012

Original Foods Marshmallow Strawberries

Maybe you should consider real strawberries?
Full disclosure: I am not a fan of marshmallows.  The only time I enjoy eating them is after toasting them golden brown and squishing them between some graham crackers and chocolate.  I don't even like them in cocoa - they always melt too fast.

But when someone takes a basic marshmallow, colors it pink and rolls it in pink granular sugar and tries to sell it as a fruit-flavored snack, I'm in.

Price: $1.00

Preparation Time: None

You pay your dollar, rip in and enjoy.  Don't get too greedy, though.  There's a mistake on the bag which states that a serving size is twelve pieces.  After a bit of basic counting and weighing it became clear a serving size is really six pieces.  If you chowed them down twelve at a time you probably wondered where the heck the other serving and a half went.  I guess the FDA was asleep at the switch... probably passed out from a sugary strawberry induced coma.

Notable Nutrition: Despite being over 50% sugar, the lightness of the marshmallow keeps a serving down to a mere 100 calories.  If these had caught on we might have seen them in some of those popular single-serving snack packs.

Verdict: Like most candy, these don't taste like real strawberries but they have the familiar taste of what passes for strawberry in the processed food world.  Yes, I may not like marshmallows but I can't recommend these to someone who does.  There's a reason Peeps are only for sale around Easter.  5/10 stars.

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