Monday, July 16, 2012

Cofresh Lentil Chips, Tomato & Basil

Proving you can make a snack food out of anything.
I suppose it was inevitable.  Not satisfied with the simple potato chip, people have created corn chips, rice chips, sweet potato chips, chips made out of various vegetables -- all of which come in half a dozen or more flavors.  So why would anyone be surprised when someone looked at the humble lentil and thought, "Hey, I bet I could make a chip out of that?"

Price: $2.00

Preparation Time: None

It turns out these are a perfectly fine snack chip.  There's a certain lightness to them, almost like a corn chip that's baked instead of fried (and has that miserable "I'm dieting!" feeling to them) but it started to grow on me as I chowed through my carefully measured serving size.  The tomato and basil flavoring was rich and zesty but also tasted exactly like the tomato and basil flavoring on the Wheat Thins in our cupboard.  Apparently the way things work in the snack chip world is to come up with a new template on which to spray the common flavors that processed food producers have determined are the key to success.  I'm sure they're the ones making the real money in all this.  Doesn't matter to them whether you're dipping wheat, corn, potato, rice, lentil or something else entirely in flavoring, as long as it's their flavoring.

Notable Nutrition:  Gluten free!  I didn't even know what gluten was until two years ago.  Now it's as popular as acid rain.  However, the package warns you there may be trace elements of milk/dairy products, nuts, sesame seeds and wheat, so if you're serving them to kids keep your EpiPen handy.

Verdict:  Yummy, even if the flavoring isn't unique.  I'll finish the bag, which is more than I can say about last week's entry.  8/10 stars.

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